Can you remember...
when you were a high school senior with your life before you?
Did you dream of the future and what life could be?
Did you laugh with old friends and make big plans
for life after graduation?
Can you imagine…
your mom diagnosed with breast cancer?
Your dreams of dorm rooms and new friends are quickly replaced
with hospital rooms and doctors, and yet,
deep down inside you wonder…
“What about me?”
Together We Stand
Providing emotional & financial support to children of breast cancer victims.
Hello everyone, I am Jessica Huntington, the founder of Together We Stand. One of the most popular concerns among breast cancer victims is, “What will happen to my children?” Two years ago my godmother endured the fight for her life against breast cancer. Together We Stand is a reflection of my way of reaching out not just to my family, but to other families who are suffering from the side effects of breast cancer. Together We Stand is a grass roots organization that provides financial and emotional support to the children of breast cancer victims. Our goal is to offer a hand up for young people who often feel guilty, afraid, or ashamed of admitting their own needs. Together We Stand has provided college scholarships, established online interaction of victims and supporters, and provided emotional support through camp counseling. Together We Stand is something we are proud of and something that is growing and firmly in place for years to come.