Today there are more than 100,000 Americans on a waiting list for a kidney, heart, liver or other vital organ and another person is added every 16 minutes. Many of these people will die waiting for that transplant. Through my work with ARORA (Arkansas Regional Organ Recovery Agency) and UNOS (United network for Organ Sharing) I have realized that more than 25,000 Americans die each year under circumstances that would allow them to become an organ donor but an average of only about 5000 donate a year. The biggest reason for not donating is lack of education about the subject.
Something is wrong with this picture. Everyone can be an organ donor.
Check with your State Donor Registry to find out how you can help
Tell your family you are interested in being an organ donor
Mark yes on your drivers license under Organ Donor
Sign a Donor Card
I hope I inspire you to save a life. Educating others on the value of Organ Donation is my passion.
Make Life Happen: Become an Organ Donor. Give Life!
Paige Jeffrey
Miss Teen Arkansas International 2008
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